Teacher Name: Nicole Dudik
Grade: 9

Materials: photo transfer on fabric with embroidery floss
Dimensions: 12″x12″
Artist Statement: The acts of frustration are easy to see, but when you feel frustrated nobody can see through you. The Pandemic made me feel like I was trapped in one little square maze without a way out. Remote learning has made my mind feel like I haven’t slept in days. Remote learning is hard to work with when you aren’t a visual learner. In my black and white picture, I added a box of lines over my face showing how my mind is trapped and it’s difficult to think. I also have is the uprising zigzag line coming out of the computer. That’s to signal that remote learning can be so aggravating. Everything you do is on a computer and when you have no space to think, you feel like you want to throw the computer. Lastly, on my computer is wording that states, “No Sleep.” I put that because I feel as if all the work given to us is never going to end. Overall, I made this so that parents and teachers can understand how other students and I feel towards remote learning. It does get better as the days pass.

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