Teacher Name: Ulises Rivero
Grade: 12

Materials: Markers
Dimensions: 9 x 12 inches

Artist Statement: Living with ADHD is hard, I feel like I’m constantly pumping the brakes in my mind to slow down my thinking and what I’m thinking about because I feel like I’m always thinking about 3 things at once. When I am drawing though I take all restrictions away from myself and allow myself to think freely and in my head my brain is like a car just running red lights speeding through traffic stopping for nothing. While this is going on in my head and I’m allowing myself to tune out of reality and tune into whatever it is I’m listening to or watching I allow my hands to move the markers wherever I feel it fits. There is no set pattern or rhythm to the way I create I just let it happen and choose the colors as I go. When people ask me how I do specific things in my pieces I can’t really explain how because nothing on the page is intentional, but it just goes to show that things that may not be intended can still be beautiful.

es_MXEspañol de México