Teacher Name: Megan Greene
Grade: 12

Materials: Oil paint
Dimensions: 16 x 20 inches
Description:  With this piece I focused on an object in which I can “Dissect”. Therefore I chose a cucumber.  Instead of going with the traditional circle cut I wanted to play around with shape therefore I cut the cucumber into odd shapes to execute what I was going for.

Artist Statement: Growing up in a Hispanic household, Art was something that was always tremendously appreciated and seen as “Different”. Creating the works of art I’ve made always felt like it was a way to heal and escape. I’ve dealt with many challenges in my life, one recently being the loss of my mother, and creating art worked as a coping mechanism and a way to better myself as an artist. I knew that at a very young age I took art to the max potential that I could, a simple drawing task could turn into a whole world of intense imagery of details, designs, and color all splattered on a single piece of paper.

I’d like to describe the artist I am as one that focuses on emotions and delicacy within each of my pieces. I also consider myself one who puts in a large amount of focus, thought, and specialty in the process. My recent pieces of art focus on real life questions I have that I’m worried or anxious about and don’t have the answer to. Therefore each work is an answer to each question. I’ve worked and felt comfortable with all forms of mediums/media. I think working with different varieties helps create and pursue my intended focus through art. That being again, creating emotion and delicacy within each piece.

es_MXEspañol de México