Teacher Name: Elizabeth Osborne
Additional Teacher: Todd Osborne
Grade: 12

Dimensions: 8 x 11 inches
Description: The reason I made this artwork was to show an example of how Interactionism works and is portrayed. Interactionism is “the theory that there are two entities, mind and body, each of which can have an effect on the other.” Making this artwork, my friend and I went to a park to take photos where she had to manipulate her face to represent different emotions to show that the mind and the body are not always in sync. The purpose of the different faces was to show that just because the body shows it doesn’t mean that it is what the mind is thinking or wants. Throughout the day we took many photos in different places to get the perfect pictures. Once I got all of the photos I used many different apps to develop the pictures into the form that I wanted to use to portray the message that I was trying to tell. The applications I used were Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I wanted the image in black and white so that It would be easier to portray that the main emotions were supposed to be many different feelings but all masked by a bland and emotionless face, thus the bland and less vibrant choice of black and white.

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