Teacher Name: Alice Costas
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic paint
Dimensions: 18 x 24 inches
Description: In this painting I wanted to capture a feeling of loneliness and the need of affection and contact. When creating this piece I decided to include references to the term “temptation” thus resulting in substances that people sometimes find themselves turning to cope when feeling alone and lost.

Artist Statement: Everybody deserves an opportunity to be seen and to show the world what they have to offer. With that being said, it is tremendously important to put those who have been brushed aside on a pedestal and to lift them up, for recognition and adoration. For many young children, lost teenagers and struggling people, finding solace in the media and art is one of the only things they can do when going through a tough time. Many people connect with those who share similar traits and belong to the same community as them, because of that I find representation extremely important. Not only for the people at home and viewers but for every underrepresented person in the world, Minorities or different ethnic, racial, religious, gender or sexual orientations should not have to fight past unjust barriers meant to tear them down. The people I like to depict in my art are those who inspire me because of their confidence they so passionately portray and pride for who they are. They celebrate what makes them unique and beautiful while uplifting so many people and radiating positive energy. Seeing people in positions to influence hundreds and thousands of people makes me want to be able to reach others as well. Maybe not on the same scale but to be able to show my appreciation to those who use their platform for good and to uplift people. My intention is to not only represent these people but also their communities and to show the beauty and passion within them by shifting the spotlight to them within my art.

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