Teacher Name: Amanda Nadig
Grade: 12

Materials: Embroidery floss, cotton fabric, and acrylic paint
Dimensions: 7 x 6.5 inches
Description: This is an image of the boy that I babysit for. His name is Marco and he is two years old. I have been working with his family since he was born and I have become very close with him. This year he went on a vacation and this picture of him on the beach was taken. His mom was kind enough to send me this photo. Looking at this picture I honestly teared up because he looked so grown up. It just amazed me how much time has passed. I decided to embroider him on this fabric bag that I can use whenever I go to babysit him and his 5 month old baby brother. The background of the image is the pattern of his swimsuit which I though was too cute not to include in the piece. On the inside of the bag, the phrase “I’m Adorable” is stenciled on with acrylic paint. Every time I would come over and I would get him dressed for the day, I would tell him that he looked adorable. It became such a routine that all I would have to say is “Marco what do we say?” and he would respond with “I’m Adorable!”

Artist Statement: My work is all embroidery pieces. The people on these pieces are important to my identity. They each tell a different story. The mediums are all functional for me, such as a shirt that I would wear or a bag I use. I made these pieces by taking pictures and embroidering the image onto a piece of fabric. One completed I attached the embroidery on to the material. The background of each piece stands out from the normal image to represent a memory made with that person. I enjoy working with textile a lot because I have had an interest in sewing since I was in elementary school. I spent most of my time making clothes. However, with being in the International Baccalaureate Program at my high school and extra curricular activities, sewing is something I haven’t done in awhile. The pandemic has given me a chance to pick up a hobby that I love again and explore beyond making clothes and working with embroidery.

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