Teacher Name: Eric Hill
Grade: 10

Materials: Graphite on Paper
Dimensions: 6” × 6”

Artist Statement: My piece is called “features beyond color”. I chose that name because I believe it’s what best describes what I wanted to portray, someone’s features beyond the color of their skin. The story about my identity, I would say, is based on what I’ve learned in the years I’ve been here. I would say I’m much different from the person I was 3 years ago but those experiences, realizing my gains and accomplishments along with my heartache and struggles created the person I am today. That of course is just the inner levels of what created me and my identity, on the outside my parents I’d wanna say created my identity. How I’m viewed is based off of my appearance of course but also the features I genetically receive I believe shaped my identity. That is where my inspiration came from. It was the idea that features themselves, the eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheekbones- they all have their own expressions and together create their own ways of messages or speech.

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