Teacher Name: Sanford Garcia
Grade: 12

Materials: Digital camera
Dimensions: 5 x 7 inches

Artist Statement: Going in I wanted to utilize newfound independence in my personal life. To start, I played with the idea of fear and anxiety inducing situations- specifically liminal spaces, or spaces that are transformative or transitional, like waiting rooms or empty schools. I decided the best way to showcase these ideas in my work was through shooting exclusively at night. Another way I tried to embrace ideas of liminality and fear was through the subject matter, which mostly revolves around suburban homes. Shooting in the suburbs added to the isolation or uncertainty that comes with liminal spaces. The journey of capturing these images has taught me that I am a thrill seeker. Each time I went out to shoot, I simply got in my car with my camera and tripod and drove. In the process, I sought out scenes that I irrationally feared or wanted to avoid. I now have a better idea of what is dangerous about nighttime and which of my fears are irrational.

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