Teacher Name: Amy Diamond
Grade: 12

Materials: Nikon D750 and Adobe Photoshop
Dimensions: 11 x 8 inches
Description: Features Fes el Bali, a tannery, camel riding, spices, Chefchaouen, Koutoubia Mosque, and other little elements of Morocco composed into a collage.

Artist Statement: Ever since I was little, my family and I traveled to a different destination each summer. I’ve always loved photographing landscape and architecture in different countries, coming back home with over a thousand images. Sophomore year, I took a class in digital imaging and found myself losing track of time as I explored and came to love the digital arts.

For my independent study class this year, I decided to fuse my photography and digital imaging skills to create and display key aspects of each location into digital collages. The photographs were all taken on a Nikon D750. Each collage took around 10 hours and has around 10 individual images compiled utilizing Adobe Photoshop.

Going into each project, the final product is completely different than my original vision. I first go through my folder of each destination, filtering though the thousands of images and selecting which ones I plan on using. Every place has a unique culture and I wanted to emphasize them in each piece. Afterwards, I altered each layer of the collage to have different filters, saturation, distortions, shadows, effects, etc. Experimenting and laying the images out takes the longest amount of time but is the best part.

es_MXEspañol de México