Teacher Name: Todd Baran
Grade: 12

Materials: Digital photograph

Artist Statement: The inspiration for my work is my love of animals and nature. Since I’m stuck in my house during quarantine, I’ve spent a good amount of time with my cat. She loves playing outdoors with her parasol. Photos mean a lot to me because they capture my favorite animal and the place I go to relax from all the stress that life brings. I took these photos by putting my iso in 1/200 to get the illusion of my subject freezing in one motion and an F stop of F 10 to get the right amount of lights in my photo. I tried to establish a strong contrast of light and dark in some of the cat photos. In the image where she has her head pointing down staring at the camera, you can see some spots of light and dark giving it a 3-D effect. This same effect can be seen across all of my photos. And this can also be seen in the picture of the parasol too, because I want to show everybody the joy of going outside and spending time with loved ones, instead of dwelling inside and letting time flow by you make every second count.

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