Teacher Name: Amanda Nadig
Grade: 12

Description: I wrote these letters on cardboard with pencil for a different project but then I decided to also use them for this animation. In the animation, I spelled out the words “be kind” and “be strong,” I did this because of everything that is going on right now with coronavirus. I wanted to remind people to continue to fight and be strong during this pandemic. I put be kind in the animation because I believe it is a good word to mention in these circumstances. I thought of these words because many people during the pandemic don’t wear masks inside of stores. I wanted to remind people to be kind to one another by wearing a mask. By wearing a mask, it reduces the risk of spreading the virus.

Artist Statement: I like to make artwork that makes me happy and helps me stay positive all the time. During these challenging times, I have had the chance to create more art and spend more time planning my ideas. I want my art to have an influence and impact on others in a positive way. Travel is one of the themes in my art because I love to explore new places and cultures. I remember the places I have been by making artwork.

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