Teacher Name: Lindsey Richards
Additional Teacher: Angela Hayes and Erin Walach
Grade: 12

Materials: Photoshop
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches

Artist Statement: In my portfolio, I included 3 graphic design pieces, one photography collage, and one painting. During my sophomore year, I began a three year course in Digital Media in which I had the advantage of working with Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, etc. Learning to use these different platforms helped me create all of the digital pieces in my portfolio. Each piece was created for a class assignment throughout Sophomore and Junior year. Each assignment had a certain structure and guidelines that I was required to follow in order to achieve my own final work. For every piece I included in my portfolio, my artistic process was similar, if not the same. Firstly, all of these pieces were created for an assignment, which structured my process. When I start any project, I explore other work to inspire my creativity, which will usually create a vision in my head. Once I have that vision, all that is left is making it come to life. Each project comes with different challenges, but that’s what makes the process unique. I am confident saying that my problem solving skills are what made each of these projects successful.

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