Teacher Name: Phyllis Burstein
Grade: 12

Dimensions: 10 x 8 inches
Description: I have attempted to capture the moment of a child learning about our world. Whether it is good or bad, learning is what shapes our mindsets, changing the way we will look at the world. The glow is supposed to signify the importance of what is being seen. The child is observing and comprehending something pure, and the glow shining down from the sky symbolizes a divinity in what the child is learning.

Artist Statement: In our world today, it can become easy to feel helpless and confused. Wherever we look, there are reminders that our world isn’t perfect, but we can sometimes forget about the beauty of our world. We become lost in a sense of despair, yet there cannot be despair without hope. In this work, I attempt to capture the idea of conceptualizing the beauty within hard times by photoshopping glowing aspects into each piece. From holding all the light of our world, to finding some light within a gloomy field: where there is darkness, light will shine the brightest. Because of this, I also believe it is important to acknowledge the existence of darkness itself within my work. To completely ignore the negative side of our world is to live in a false reality.

My work is meant to remind people of the hope we can find all within the children in charge of our future, within nature and those who protect it, within those who attempt to help the lost no matter the ordeal, within the skies and the treasures they hold, and within the control we hold in our own lives. Becoming lost within despair will bring no difference in our world. Keeping the spirit of hope is key towards achieving a better future. I hope I am able to bring a small reminder to the viewers that the good only exists because of the bad, our world will heal soon.

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