Grade: 12

Description: A short film about opening up to intimacy and vulnerability. I have learned that it is not always easy to give and take emotions effortlessly, however, it’s a goal of mine to do so with the people that I love.

Artist Statement: Growing up as a closeted queer Latina in a chaotic household, I experienced many difficulties and estrangement. As a child I was confronted by many challenges that forced me to grow up quickly. I used art as my escape before I knew what I was escaping from. Through the use of clay, acrylic paint, collage, video, and performance, I express the complexities of control and lack of control in one’s life. I explore themes of childhood trauma, forgiveness, innocence, mental illness, identity, and substance abuse for the sake of understanding my past experiences and healing from them. I am invested in autobiographical and emotional research. I create experiences with my work by using soundscape, visuals, textures, and personal content. For instance in my latest work, “You are My Sunshine,” I layer on footage of me going through photos and memories of my childhood along with me writing letters to both of my parents. I often reference my past and my present; my family and my trauma. I work in layers, metaphorically and literally. Where there are layers and details there are subtleties. Subtleties are a breath of fresh air that anyone can inhale. Working with great details and intention allows me to convey vulnerability with the intent of creating human connection.

es_MXEspañol de México