Teacher Name: Jennifer Willis
Grade: 12

Materials: Acrylic paint and marker
Dimensions: 6 x 7 inches

Artist Statement: As an artist, I feel as if I am very open to a variety of different art methods. I find it all very interesting. I love the process of learning the techniques and applying them. The art method I used in my project was tracing with a lightbox. It’s satisfying for me to make a copy of another image. It may not be unique because you are just outlining, but the process itself is so relaxing, so I feel art should be an outlet to feel relaxed and at peace. I love art with very vibrant colors and colors that attract the eye and different unique images when working on it. My take away from this project was that art projects could be like an escape from the real world. You go into your little bubble and have a great time. This project showed me a new outlet to go to when I felt stressed about anything, and my style is very much replicating different artworks in other ways, may that be a sculpture painting or collage, etc.

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