Teacher Name: Todd Baran
Grade: 12

Description: Unique angles and perspectives ​

Artist Statement: I wanted to take pictures of nature that was around me. I tried to take pictures with clarity and that were well exposed. I wanted to take pictures that interest me and will also interest others too. I would like to look at the color, and shape of the object or subject. I took the pictures by using the manual mode on the camera. The picture of the flower was recently we were to adjust the shutter speed and the aperture based on what we wanted to shoot . This would show some process I made and maybe some improvement in my work. This was my first time doing photography with a camera not with my phone. I learn a lot of different techniques in doing photography and editing pictures. Also I learned how some details are important when taking good pictures and taking your time to take pictures is really important since you can get good outcomes. When I take pictures I want people to feel emotions like the feeling of calmness and to impress other people with the work I work hard on. It might not be the best but at least I tried my hardest to get the view/ message I wanted through.

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