Teacher Name: Nicole Dudik
Grade: 12

Materials: Krita 4.4.1 and HUION Inspiroy H430P
Description: During this pandemic, I look back to a picture I took 2 years ago and decided to use it as the basis of this drawing. This is meant to be the climax of a story I am working on but can be interpreted in any way, shape, or form. It branches on making movie posters of my life, and how I present the narrative through visuals. The main subject in this piece is a situation you don’t want to be in. It fills you with suspense, a rush of emotions, and doubt. I believe this could connect well with the poem “The View from Halfway Down” by Alison Tafel. Once you’ve done the deed, you felt there is no going back. But there is still a part of you that wants to keep going, the last emotion is fear and regret. Just look, analyze, and take in what it has to offer in this piece.

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