Teacher Name: Annamaria Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Materials: Pen and markers
Dimensions: 9 x 8 inches

Artist Statement: The most important thing for me when creating a piece of art is trying to represent in colors my thoughts, my life, my feelings and pretty much everything I am going true in that period of time. The thing that I like the most about my art is how every month or even every week the “theme” of my pieces changes based on the events of my life or even just my mood. I can tell you exactly what month that piece was created just by the colors I used. With this series of art pieces I wanted to represent how 2020 affected my mental health and any other teenagers in high school. All the events that happened this past year really affected me and my art so I decided to incorporate it in my final exhibition because I want to see if it actually affected other people as much as it did to me. A lot of teenage are going through a lot right now more than ever and with my art they will be able to see that they are not the only ones in this situation and that the decisions that they made in this meat up year do not reflect who they are as a person because negative events make you do or act in a different way.

What motivated me and gave me inspiration to do these pieces is the quarantine that we were stuck in early this year. It really made me realize how our freedom and the outside world is so important to grow as a person, especially for kids and teenagers. The “good” side of all this is that I got to experiment with a lot of different mediums and techniques that I never really tried before. Since the beginning of the year my art pieces reflected exactly how I was feeling, how I was dealing with the events happening around me and especially how my mind was dealing with the situations. I am planning on making an exhibition somehow related to my art theme; my idea was to put all my pieces together in a dark room with only one light and put all the art pieces in my bed. This will perfectly represent how I spent my quarantine and how I felt trapped staying in my own bed all the time.

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