Teacher Name: Emily Steffen
Grade: 12

Materials: Pencil, pen, and coloring pencils on paper
Dimensions: 8 x 11 inches
Description: #Mermay Challenge

Artist Statement: Most of the artwork submitted are made for the CPS Advanced Arts Program in the Animation & Sequential Arts class. The Ms.Piggy Mermay artwork was made as a personal piece. I’ve always wanted to participate in an art challenge and the #Mermay challenge was a perfect opportunity. I asked my mother “what character should I turn into a mermaid for Mermay?” and she said “Ms.Piggy”. Initially, I thought that would be ludicrous and unattractive, but I felt that it would be a good challenge for me as an artist. After finishing the line art, I was already satisfied with my creation and was getting excited. Once I was done coloring, I stared at my work and was absolutely pleased. I’m sure no one drew Ms.Piggy as a mermaid — and if they did, I believe mine’s the best.

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