Teacher Name: Todd Baran
Grade: 12

Materials: Cannon Rebel T6
Dimensions: 6 x 4 inches
Description: I took this picture one a trip to Bangladesh and I picked the title Mayabati for this work. Mayaboti is a Bengali word which means a sympathetic illusion created by ones face or eyes. There is something within those eyes that attracted and drew my attention towards her. Her innocent expression gave value to the shot captured by my camera.

Artist Statement: Hi my name is Marjea Ahad. I was born and raised in Bangladesh for 11 years, I came to the United States when I was 12 years old. The society, the concept of living life, is entirely different in the two different sides of the world. I’m a curious person, so I’ve always loved to explore and meet new people. Meeting a new person, to me, is like reading a new novel, and a person’s story of where they are now is like a new genre movie. Everyone has a special and unique story than others.

Likewise, I believe photography is also a tale that has thousands of those little moments that make up that one shot that lasts as a life-time memory of the experience. I try my best to capture people and frame their story in a photograph to share it with the world. A lot of my work is inspired by The Humans of New York (HONY) and their stories. I first encountered Humans of New York sophomore year of high school for my history class project and fell in love with the concept and idea. In the future, I want to work with them and put Bangladesh as one of the countries there.

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