Teacher Name: Moises Salazar
Grade: 12

Materials: DSLR Cannon camera on photo-paper
Dimensions: 8 x 11 inches
Description: This was a photograph taken as a commentary surrounding male youth raised in the idealisms of machismo. In the Latinx community, machismo is the pride that identifying men exhibit through overpowering/ toxic masculinity. Despite being so young, the figure presents himself in a state of dominance or superiority, confronting the viewer with a downward gaze having already embraced his cultural standards.

Artist Statement: I view my work as a way to connect with my audience on a vulnerable level. I want to use my art to connect with a variety of people and express ideas in ways that I can’t fully communicate with words. Currently my work consists of mixed media illustration and sculpture, which balance on the themes of mental health and self reflection. I have been concentrating specifically on persistent habits, things we latch on to for support regardless of negative or positive effect on the body or mind- things that help us in one way but hurt us in countless other ways.

I like to experiment with as many materials as I have at my disposal, but I’ve recently found an appreciation for liquid latex and its ability to hold recognizable shape and maintain malleability at the same time. I find myself being more attracted to materials that can attain movement, mainly because I am an ever changing and growing person and artist and I want to represent that in my work.

es_MXEspañol de México