Collaborators: Max Hopper (artist and model) and Sofia Dimas (photographer)
Teacher Name: Annamaria Castellucci Cabral
Grade: 12

Materials: Photograph
Dimensions: 23.36 x 15.57 inches
Description: Part of a set

Artist Statement: This piece is a series of photos that are themed around my birthday. The photos were taken a month before my 18th birthday, that I had always dreaded coming. For me I never wanted to become 18 and have to start becoming an adult but it was bound to happen. The photos themselves are the first set of Me staring at a cake that is supposed to feel like is insulting me via the birthday candles. That it self is a thing of irony, since I both don’t like the taste and texture of cake along with the cake itself insulting me. In the photos there is an obvious disappointment/distain towards the cake and turning 18. Then the second set of photos is of me angrily smashing the cake with a baseball bat, showing some of the hate or anger towards the birthday.

The process of this was starting with getting a baseball bat, and painting it the colors that I wanted so it would pop. Then I also had to get my cousin to take the photos, along with getting the right lighting for the photo. I also had to buy two cakes one to be the primary cake and one as the back up. I bought some candles as abeyance and also wore a mask in the second set that I had made. I had to make the  candles by hand melding birthday candles together to make it to those words. For the actual shoot we had to wait till night and shot at 12am-2am.

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