Teacher Name: Rosanna Mark
Grade: 11

Materials: Digital: iPad Pro, Pencil, Goodnotes highligh
Dimensions: 8.5″ x 11″
Artist Statement: This digital artwork was designed to show how we should appreciate people while they are alive. I chose to draw half of my face on the left side, along with a brightly colored background to convey the message that while we are alive, we have this light that shines from our soul and is projected onto the outside. Our soul and our hearts are what give us color (why I also chose to color my face). However, as we see on the right, the color/light we bring is taken from the world once we leave it. The background of the skull shows that like a flame, our stories and memories people have about us may remain for a while. However, like a flame, they will eventually die out, as people who carry the memories of having known us will eventually leave this earth as well. I did not add color to the skull because corpses do not have souls inside them any longer.

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