Teacher Name: Jennifer Crone-Griffin
Grade: 12

Materials: Foil, Light (gels), and camera

Artist Statement: When I started taking photography classes I was introduced to gels. I grew more fondly of gels and I started to use them when I was photographing my subjects until we were all put in quarantine. I use gels to give emotion to my work; whatever I feel when taking the pictures is how I want the viewer of my work to perceive my image. Making art at home was difficult because I didn’t have lighting equipment, so I built my own. Specifically for the foil pictures, I made gels by drawing on clear tape with a colored marker and placing that on a flashlight. I did this for two more flashlights and I started taking pictures with my phone. When it comes to my creative process I get inspired by what’s around me. Using the foil pictures for example again I also don’t have a backdrop so I built my own with foil, I tend to not be discouraged If I don’t have the equipment because at the end of the day the world is your toolbox you just have to find the right parts. All the pictures that use gels are taken in my photography class where I had access to gels and a backdrop except for the foil pictures. After growing such an interest in gels I decided to start using them more in my work. Not only do I like gels but I like to add colors within my pictures whether that be in the piece of clothing, backdrop, etc. Photography is like a story it starts off with an idea, but it eventually becomes more of that and the reader(viewer in this case) leaves with a scar in their mind reminding them of your work similar to a book. Photography used to be a hobby for me now it is my creative passion. I started to create more work at home during quarantine with limited resources because I wanted to take risks and get better at what I love.

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