Grade: 12

Materials: Digital drawing on tablet

Artist Statement: I made these works to get the things in my mind into reality, I have dozens of ideas going on in my head and I like the process of managing how to make the best of my creativity. I mostly get inspiration from things I have grown up with or what I am into now. Growing up with parents that have been busy with work maintaining us, I delved deep into video games and cartoons. So this is mostly a representation of my progress of my silly doodles that I’ve done of various video game and cartoon characters to full on drawings. Especially when it comes to characters that are either not seen much in the media, where I can break tropes in a way. My artistic process is pretty messy though, I spend a lot of time on concept sketches, trying to see if this pose is ok or if this would be well enough for the painted version. I look far ahead in the future instead of focusing on what I am currently doing, which is a curse and an advantage on its own. My favorite part is actually coloring the piece because I like to play around a lot with what can fit the vibe of these characters more. I mostly do digital drawings because it is something I’ve grown up with, seeing youtube videos of people doing amazing things on art programs and wanting to do the same.

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