Teacher Name: Eric Hill
Grade: 11

Materials: Marker and Color Pencil on Paper
Dimensions: 12” × 9”

Artist Statement:
The idea I proposed and illustrated in my project was more or less a story of my character. I used the objects in my image to showcase different aspects of my character, and even color itself played a part in this. My final decision for the mask theme was “Rubber Duck with gas mask, I chose this design because it resembles an actual mask that I own and have worn throughout the COVID19 pandemic, and due to its uniqueness many people in my neighborhood recognize me by it, making it a perfect theme to represent my character. The decision I made for the final background theme was “Lilies”, this flower is known to be symbolic of femininity and love, two very distinct ideas that are closely related to my personality, and lilies are actually my favorite flower. The doves in my image are meant to be symbolic of important people in my life that have died who now watch over me (the doves placement on the paper

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