Teacher: Travis Rothe
Grade: 12
Artist statement: The story takes place in a creature world. The main character Alphie discovers he is gay and has to come to terms with it to be happy.The purpose of this book is to provide a resource for younger audiences to engage with in order to help them understand that being queer is not a bad thing. This will hopefully teach kids it is okay to be queer.

Panel 4, “Running” (middle row, right): After Alphie hears a comment he wasn’t ready for he runs away out of embarrassment. He was only concerned about fleeing the scene and not caring about his destination. He blindly aboards the Water Taxi. This page layout is dedicated to the Chicago Scholars program I am a part of. Many of the creatures are peers, mentors, councilors and staff I have interacted with. In the background you may notice how aquatic creatures get settled into their fishbowl wheelchairs to roam on land. This layout also shows off Lake Michigan, along with architecture such as the vista tower, Lake Point tower, Aqua, 333 Wacker Drive, Aon center, and Navy Pier.

Panel 5, “Family” (bottom row, left): This page layout refers to the process of coming out and how it can be simultaneously difficult and rewarding. This also relates to my experiences as my father was not accepting of my identity. Something I wasn’t aware of was the effect it had on my father and how he was hurt. This is displayed by Alphie not seeing his father crying as the father is walking away from Alphie. All Alphie feels is the lack of support from his father. Alphie also comes out to his grandfather and is accepted. I was never able to come out to my grandfather as he passed in the middle of me coming out. Through Alphie I tried to explore what it would have been like to come out to my grandfather.

Panel 6, “Return” (bottom row, right): After Alphie decides he wants to live his life openly gay, he returns by train to Down Town Cucuy. He hopes to continue hanging out with his new friend Leo. Many of the creatures here represent members of my close friends and family. This page showcases the Chicago Public Transit, Harold Washington Library, Marina Towers, Wrigley building, and Chicago Board of Trade building.

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