Teacher: Shana Pearlmutter
Grade: 4
Dimensions: 3 x 5 x 5″
Description: This origami is called Dragon Colors. A friend showed me a dragon origami he learned on YouTube. I adapted my own design, adding details like a horn beak, multiple feet, and additional wing folds. I cut my own origami paper to a size of 8.5 by 8.5 inch square. And I folded the whole dragon with both sides white, which is a more difficult technique than using a one side white, one side colored paper. Then I unfolded the origami and drew and colored the feathers and facial details that I wanted on the outside, and refolded the origami.
Artist Statement: Dragons are my favorite mythical creatures. I even started an imagination game at school called Dragon City about them! Do not always judge a book by its cover. Fearsome Western dragons are not the only kind. The dragon is NOT one of the so-called “dragons” of old literature. This dragon is beautiful and gentle.

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