Teacher: Ingrid Swenson

Description: Nearly every Saturday my two young boys and I go to Shabbat services at our community synagogue. Or I should say we try to get into the services. Many times we are in part of the children’s service and the other part of the time my children are scouring the hallways finding other children to socialize with or what trouble they can get into while I am running after them. When the shelter in place happened, as a single mother and no family in town, our Saturday morning ritual being taken away hit us hard. Zoom services really does not work for them for a myriad of reasons. Since my children are all about making moments they decided to make signs, hang them on the car and go to people’s houses to wish them a “Shabbat Shalom.” With a wooden drum, kazoo and a cowbell, we went to about 10 houses from our community. Here are some pictures and what my boys have to say about the day:

Artist Statement:
Roland (age 7): I was tired. I kinda liked it. It took a long time. We had baby toys and we shouted out “Shabbat Shalom” to Jewish people. It felt good cause I was helping being nice to people by saying nice words.
Maxwell (age 3): I felt good. That was my idea. I wanted to tell everyone with music and then say to everyone that the Corona virus is running all over the town. And all over the earth. And with the instruments they can hear us. They will hear us. That’s what I want to say.

Poster in bay window of house.

Poster on back passenger window of dark minivan.

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