Teaching Artist: Patrick Miceli
CPS Teacher: Jiwon Chun, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. College Preparatory High School
Grade: 11
Artist Statement: The materials I used were found objects around my house, “pieces of garbage” or just leftover waste to be forgotten. This was a key part of the piece representing people and emotions.  The concept of my piece was to show all the trials and tribulations we go through transitioning between youth to adulthood, how we feel such intense and meaningful things but always seen as less, because kids aren’t seen as real people. A lot of times we feel alone on this journey of life but we’re all connected on different paths walking the same rope. I chose this topic because the youth is misrepresented with ideas from an older generation. The youth is starting and will continue to change and our voices matter and our feelings are real. We aren’t just kids being kids. I think so many of us hold so many intense feelings and thoughts that will never be accounted for. The transition from youth to adulthood can be hard when your whole life you’ve been told your voice doesn’t matter.

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