Teacher: Whitney Bradshaw
Grade: 12
Dimensions: 22 x 17″
Artist Statement: Riveting Revival. Church is a haven, a place where I am able to rid myself of bottled-up emotions without being judged. Since I was a child, I have always been surrounded by the comforting sounds of people speaking in tongues, moaning, clapping, and praying. Devoting my time at church on Sundays with my family is a tradition. During my freshman year in high school, going to church became less of a priority though. My connection with God became distant the more time I spent away from church. I prayed less and became more unappreciative of church. At that time, my parents grew apart from each other. It wasn’t until the start of my sophomore year that they officially separated. As a result of my parents’ separation, I began attending two different churches. On my first Sunday back at church, I felt a sense of discomfort; it had been a while since I had attended church. A minister who I had never met before, requested that I stand if I felt comfortable doing so.

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