Teacher: Guadalupe Barrera
Grade: 8
Artist Statement: My artwork was supposed to be a sunset with electricity poles and clouds in the front. I mainly used the brush tool, but for the poles I used the pencil tool. When I first drew it, I started off by drawing the sunset in the background. To blend it, I changed the opacity between each color so it would look more smooth. Then, for the clouds, I tried to add shading in the center so it wouldn’t be as flat, and I wanted that same effect with the poles, so I added a shadow. I’ve always liked looking at sunsets and paintings of it, so that was my inspiration for my drawing. The main challenge was trying to figure out where everything was going to go. I had a picture in my head, but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to put the poles or the clouds. Lastly, my drawing came out sort of how I wanted it to. I imagined adding more detail to the foreground, but either way I’m satisfied with what I made.

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