It’s been an interesting year for Animation & Sequential Arts. With remote learning in place, we had to adjust our projects to meet varying levels of tech available to the students. The entire class celebrated Artober this year with student-made daily prompts for the month-long ink-based celebration of illustration. First-year students concentrated on the basics of figure drawing then learned to warp those basic rules in our character design unit. Second-year students revisited character design to build on the skills they acquired last year. Then they dove head-first into a long term animation project in one of our favorite programs, Aseprite. We hope you enjoy the work of this very talented group of young animators!

Teaching Artist: Emily Steffen. CPS Teacher: Emily Forrest, Bronzeville Classical Elementary School.

Return to the Exhibición del Programa de Artes Avanzadas de 2020.

The Exquisite Corpse

Animation & Sequential Artober

My Name is Rhogar Myastan.

Dungeons & Dragons: The Mighty Nine!

A Heroic Redux

The World in Black & White

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